The 5 ideal pasta dishes for the Holidays

Winter is coming, and with it comes Christmas. Are you ready for the most heartfelt holiday in the World? A time to be with your family and friends while eating, drinking and having fun.

Christmas is very close and between the race to the 'last gift, parties of all kinds and types, there will be plenty of opportunities for lunch and dinner with friends.

Between lasagna, cannelloni and tortellini in broth, in this gallery we propose original alternatives that will leave you open-mouthed or rather full-mouthed.Even Santa Claus will stop for lunch.

The 5 tasty first courses for Christmas.
In this gallery, we offer 5 alternative and tasty first courses ideal for the Christmas holidays.
Ziti with sparerib sauce
Ziti is a typical Italian pasta that resembles candles. To prepare, break the ziti into the size you like and cook them in plenty of salted water.
For the sauce, sauté a clove of garlic in plenty of extra virgin olive oil in a frying pan.
Remove the garlic and add the tomato puree. Cook for a few minutes.
Cut the ribs and add them to the sauce. Cover with lid and cook for at least 3 hours.
When the meat comes off the bone, it is ready. Season the previously cooked ziti and serve piping hot.
Penne, radicchio speck and walnuts
Cook the penne in plenty of salted water.
Finely chop the radicchio
Sauté in a pan, a clove of garlic in plenty of oil and cook the radicchio for a few minutes.
Cut the speck into strips.
Cook the speck together with the radicchio for a few minutes
Comminuted walnuts
keep them aside
add the cream to the radicchio and speck
Sauté the pasta in this sauce, serve on a plate, and garnish with walnuts. Serve piping hot
Spaghetti with Romanesco broccoli and anchovies
Cook spaghetti in plenty of salted water.
Cook some of the broccoli together with the spaghetti for a strong flavor.
The remainder, boil in water and salt and whisk once cooked.
In a saucepan, melt a few fillets of salted anchovies in plenty of oil.
Add the broccoli cream and once ready, toss in the spaghetti and whole broccoli once drained.
Finish the dish with plenty of parmesan or grana padano cheese.
Fusilli with cuttlefish ragu
Cook fusilli in plenty of salted water.
Cut the previously cleaned cuttlefish into small pieces.
In a pot, sauté garlic in plenty of oil. Add the cuttlefish and cook for a few minutes.
Cut the tomatoes into small pieces.
Add the tomatoes to the cuttlefish and remove the garlic.This sauce should cook for a few minutes, the cuttlefish will be soft.Sauté the fusilli in the sauce, add oil and garnish with fresh basil.
Spaghetti clams and ginger
Cook spaghetti in plenty of salted water
In a pot, open the clams.
Fry the garlic in 'oil, add the clams, and once open, deglaze with a little white wine.
The freshness of ginger.
Strain the clams to remove the sand, finish cooking the spaghetti with the sand-free clam cooking water, add the clams, and finish the dish with a grating of fresh ginger.
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