Made in Italy: the top 10 most popular PDO and PGI products

Made in Italy in terms of agri-food production is continuing to grow in turnover. Taking the figures for 2021, excluding wine, earnings are estimated at a good EUR 8.8 billion (up 9.4% year-on-year). The value of exports is EUR 4.4 billion (a nice +12.5%). 

These data were collected by the Divulga Study Centre, which also analysed the food trends of recent years by cross-referencing the data obtained with many other sources, such as Istat, Ismea and the Qualivita Foundation. 

What has emerged is that 77.5% of turnover is concentrated in ten products that are symbols of Made in Italy. Which ones? All that remains is to find out. Images
Made in Italy: the top 10 most popular PDO and PGI products
Made in Italy in terms of agri-food production is continuing to grow in turnover. Taking the figures for 2021, excluding wine, earnings are estimated at a good EUR 8.8 billion (up 9.4% year-on-year). The value of exports is EUR 4.4 billion (a nice +12.5%). These data were collected by the Divulga Study Centre, which also analysed the food trends of recent years by cross-referencing the data obtained with many other sources, such as Istat, Ismea and the Qualivita Foundation. What has emerged is that 77.5% of turnover is concentrated in ten products that are symbols of Made in Italy. Which ones? All that remains is to find out.
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1 - Parmigiano Reggiano PDO
Let's frame the situation well. The Italian PDO and PGI system has reached 8.8 billion in total revenues. Of this 8.7 billion, 77.5 percent comes from these 10 products. Let us now consider the most "profitable" product, Parmigiano Reggiano, a hard aged cheese typical of the areas of' Emilia. This cheese, generated revenues of 1.6 billion.
Di Claudia Castaldi - Consorzio Tutela Grana Padano, CC BY-SA 4.0,
2 - Grana Padano PDO
In second place is a product that is really very similar to Parmigiano Reggiano, namely Grana Padano PDO, the same type of cheese practically. This cheese product generated revenue of 1.45 billion Euro and is at the top of Italy's most popular products.
Di Scott Brenner - originally posted to Flickr as DSCF3117, CC BY 2.0,
3 - Prosciutto di Parma
Prosciutto di Parma, one of the most famous and sought-after (as well as counterfeit) hams in the world, generated a profit of 650 million euros, a sign of the world's love for this specialty, always produced in the area of Emilia.
Di Popo le Chien - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 3.0,
4 - Mozzarella di bufala campana
In fourth place is Mozzarella di bufala campana, which has an elastic and tough texture while becoming softer as days go by. It is best enjoyed the next day, from half a kilo upwards even two days, to enhance its flavor. We all know what it is. Well, this Campanian wonder generated as much as 459 million in 2021 alone.
Di Nessun autore leggibile automaticamente. Rainer Zenz presunto (secondo quanto affermano i diritti
5 - Balsamic vinegar of Modena PGI
The most famous vinegar in the world, because unlike the others it almost becomes a sauce, which can be used on various foods such as meat, cheese, pizza and more. Its value in 2021 was 402 million.
Di Peachyeung316 - Opera propria, CC BY-SA 4.0,
6 - Gorgonzola
Gorgonzola is one of the most distinctive and well-known cheeses in the world. The earliest historical traces of this cheese date from the 15th century in the town of Gorgonzola, near Milan, from which it takes its name. In 2021 it generated earnings of as much as 377 million euros.
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7 - Mortadella di Bologna PGI
It is no coincidence that all over the world, mortadella is translated as 'La Bologna'. Mortadella from this area is the most famous in the world, one of the queens of cured meats in the world. In fact, it generated a turnover in 2021 of EUR 342 million.
Di Scott Brenner - originally posted to Flickr as DSCF3117, CC BY 2.0,
8 - Prosciutto San Daniele PGI
Another prosciutto crudo, another Italian excellence. A protected geographical designation product, with production area in Friuli Venezia Giulia, in the northeast. Its revenues have reached as much as 333 million euros.
Di Jon Sullivan -
9 - Pecorino Romano PDO
Pecorino Romano is an indispensable ingredient of carbonara, perhaps the most replicated Italian dish in the world. This wonderful cheese has brought in an impressive 302 million euros.
ANSA foto
10 - Pasta from Gragnano
In tenth - but not last - place we find a typical product of Campania, Gragnano pasta. This pasta is the product obtained by mixing durum wheat semolina with water from the local aquifer. The pasta factories have a turnover of 245 million euros, a great success for a low-cost brand.
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