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US opens to 'cultured meat' market: latest OK from health authorities has arrived

The US federal government has authorised the marketing of lab-grown chicken meat. The US Department of Agriculture has in fact inspected and given its approval to the safety systems of the plants of 'Upside Foods' and 'Good Meat'.

This decision could have momentous results, opening up a new market for meat that does not require any kind of animal suffering. It also requires far fewer raw materials for its creation, as well as not having to use all the thousands of hectares of land that animal farms require.

Of course, there are still many open questions on the table, first and foremost economic sustainability. In fact, in other parts of the world (see Singapore), cultured meat has existed for years, but production is not at sufficient levels to guarantee a profit and therefore long-term financial sustainability. In any case, the road seems marked out for a revolution, also and perhaps above all a cultural revolution, which will take place over the next few years.

US: OK from authorities for trade in cultured meat
The US federal government has authorised the marketing of lab-grown chicken meat. In fact, the US Department of Agriculture inspected and gave its approval to the safety systems of the plants of 'Upside Foods' and 'Good Meat'.
US: OK from authorities for trade in cultured meat
This decision could have momentous results, opening up a new market for meat that does not require any kind of animal suffering. It also requires far fewer raw materials for its creation, as well as not having to use all the thousands of hectares of land that animal farms require.
US: OK from authorities for trade in cultured meat
Obviously, there are still many open questions on the table, first and foremost economic sustainability. In fact, in other parts of the world (see Singapore), cultured meat has already existed for years, but production is not at sufficient levels to guarantee a profit and therefore long-term financial sustainability. In any case, the road seems marked out for a revolution, also and perhaps above all a cultural revolution, which will take place over the next few years.
US: OK from authorities for trade in cultured meat
Already in November, the two companies (in addition to 'Joinn Biologics' which collaborates with GM) had received production clearance from the Federal Food Safety Agency, another federal health agency. Specifically, the new cultured meat that is about to enter the American market will be 'chicken' in the sense that it will have the taste of chicken, the texture and appearance of chicken but, in fact, it will not be chicken, at least as we are used to imagining it today.
US: OK from authorities for trade in cultured meat
Some Michelin-starred chefs in the United States are already starting to think about how to use this new type of meat, having already placed major orders with the manufacturers. Among the most famous chefs, reports the Italian newspaper 'Repubblica', are Dominique Crenn, three Michelin stars in downtown San Francisco, and José Andres, known for his environmental and humanitarian efforts.
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