What to drink in summer? Five kinds of healthy infusions to brew at home

In summer, when temperatures rise, keeping hydrated is important for general well-being. 

A great option for staying hydrated is to consume cold infusions, which are refreshing and can also have various health benefits. 

Remember that drinking an infusion is not only about ingesting liquids but also about benefiting from the therapeutic potential of plants. Select the infusion that best suits your needs and enjoy a delicious, refreshing cup.

Making infusions at home is easy and allows you to enjoy the full benefits of natural herbs. Here are a few to try.

Making cold brews at home is simple
In summer, when temperatures rise, keeping hydrated is important for general well-being. A great option for staying hydrated is to consume cold infusions, which are refreshing and can also have various health benefits. Preparing infusions at home is simple and allows you to enjoy the full benefits of natural herbs. Here are a few to try preparing at home.
Benefit of the therapeutic potential of plants
Remember that drinking an infusion is not only about ingesting liquids but also about benefiting from the therapeutic potential of plants. Select the infusion that best suits your needs and enjoy a delicious, refreshing cup.
How to prepare a cold brew?
It is the classic infusion of a few minutes with hot water at 95°. Our advice is to add a little cold water to the teapot: this prevents a thermal shock to the herbs. Once cooled, fresh herbs, lemon slices or chopped fruit can be added. The infusion is best served chilled with a few ice cubes.
Mint infusion
One type of infusion to consider is mint infusion, known for its digestive and refreshing properties. It is a shortcut for immediate relief from the summer heat, and is also very easy to prepare.
Hibiscus infusion
An infusion of hibiscus might be a little more exotic, but it is worth trying. This infusion has a slightly sour taste and is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants. It is known to help with lowering blood pressure and strengthen the immune system.
Lemon and ginger infusion
Lemon and ginger infusion is an excellent remedy for indigestion and gives a real boost to the immune system due to the high vitamin C content in lemon and the anti-inflammatory power of ginger.
Sage infusion
Sage infusion, on the other hand, is renowned for its anti-swelling properties and is ideal to drink on hot summer days.
Rosemary infusion
Rosemary infusion can be enjoyed hot or cold. Rosemary is known for its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. Regular intake of rosemary tea can promote a healthy balance of the intestinal microbiome and promote general health.
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