The secret to a perfect basil pesto

Basil pesto is a much-loved condiment in Italy as well as around the world.Its bright green color makes pasta unique.

But have you ever wondered how to make a perfect basil pesto? When you blend basil with the other ingredients, you have to be careful not to oxidize the leaves, that is, turn them from bright green to an uninviting brown.

In this gallery, we explain with a few tricks how to make bright green pesto at home.

The secret to a perfect basil pesto.
In this gallery we explain how to make the perfect basil pesto.
Take fresh basil leaves.
Wash each leaf and dry them well.
True basil pesto involves the use of one clove of garlic.
But it is possible not to put it in. The pesto will turn out easier to digest.
Go back to basics: use the mortar.
To get a more traditional result use the mortar. It takes time, patience, and a little muscle.
If you do not have a mortar at home, use a blender.
Inside the blender put the ingredients.
Take the pine nuts.
Blend or pound together with basil the pine nuts.
Add plenty of Parmesan cheese.
The parmesan cheese should blend with the rest of the ingredients.
Add extra virgin olive oil.
The EVO oil will give the right creaminess to the pesto.
A little secret? two ice cubes!
It will help the pesto stay bright green.
An 'additional secret.
Two grains of coarse salt, blended together with the rest.
Season the pasta!
The perfect pasta? linguini or spaghetti! Enjoy!
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