Chronic inflammation, some of the worst foods that can cause it

Chronic inflammation can be caused by many factors, including a sedentary lifestyle, stress, and sometimes an unbalanced diet.

In these cases, certain foods can be particularly harmful to our organism. Particularly if consumed in large quantities and for prolonged periods, these foods can cause inflammation that affects health in the long term.

In this photo gallery, you can find some of the worst foods that can cause chronic inflammation, and find out why they should be avoided to keep our bodies healthy.

Chronic inflammation, some of the worst foods that can cause it
Chronic inflammation can be caused by many factors, including a sedentary lifestyle, stress, and sometimes an unbalanced diet. In these cases, certain foods can be particularly harmful to our organism. Particularly if consumed in large quantities and for prolonged periods, these foods can cause inflammation that affects health in the long term. In this photo gallery, you can find some of the worst foods that can cause chronic inflammation, and find out why they should be avoided to keep our bodies healthy.
Added sugars
Foods that can cause chronic inflammation include packaged cereal bars, cereals, snacks and some coffee drinks found in supermarkets. This is because of the added sugars present in quantities in some of these products. (Source:
Trans fats
Some packaged foods, such as cake icing, still contain trans fats, although most brands are free of them. Trans fats can in fact cause systemic inflammation in the body and their consumption has been linked to coronary heart disease. Beware of the words 'partially hydrogenated fats in the list of ingredients'. (Source:
Refined carbohydrates
Foods such as white flour, white bread and white rice contain refined carbohydrates, which can cause chronic inflammation. (Source:
Red meat
Red meat is one of the most risky foods because it has high levels of both arachidonic acid and saturated fat. Excessive consumption can contribute to increased inflammation. The advice is to moderate red meat consumption in favour of plant-based foods, which have a lower amount of saturated fat. (Source:
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