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Food peels, which ones can be eaten

Many foods have a peel that can be eaten. These are foods such as fruit, vegetables or tubers.

Among other things, the peel is often rich in nutrients that are very important for health and wellbeing, which is why its consumption is recommended if the food is organic or washed thoroughly.

Last but not least, using the peel can be a good way to avoid food waste.

Foods with a peel that you can eat
Many foods have a peel that can be eaten. These are foods such as fruit, vegetables or tubers. Among other things, the peel is often rich in nutrients that are very important for health and wellbeing, which is why its consumption is recommended if the food is organic or washed thoroughly (e.g. using sodium bicarbonate). Last but not least, using the peel can be a good way to avoid food waste.
Fruit with peel that you can eat
Among the foods that have peels that can be eaten are various fruits. The peel of lemons and oranges, for example, is rich in vitamins, even more than their pulp. Apple peel (which contains vitamins A, C, K and potassium), banana peel and kiwi peel (both rich in fibre) are also edible.
Tuber peel
The skin of the potato, for example, is very nutritious and its consumption is recommended. This skin is rich in vitamins (especially C and B6), fibre, magnesium, potassium, iron and calcium.
Even among vegetables there are foods that can be eaten with the peel. For example, the carrot, which contains vitamin A and antioxidants, the courgette, which is rich in potassium, fibre and water, the aubergine, which contains flavonoids, or the cucumber, which contains vitamins K and A, minerals and fibre.
Alternative use of peels
Many of the peels of citrus fruits, besides being eaten directly, can be used to prepare flavoured oils, garnish or season dishes. Vegetable peels, on the other hand, are very useful for preparing broth, stock cubes or minestrone. These uses are perfect for eliminating waste.
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