Two kiwis a day improve life, confirmation comes from a study

Kiwis are very valuable fruits because consuming them regularly allows you to benefit from important sources of fiber, potassium and antioxidants.

The latter, in particular, help neutralize free radicals, which are partly responsible for damaging cells and their DNA but also promote the development of inflammation and cancer.

Recent research published on Nutrition Foundation of Italy, among other things, highlighted the importance of regular kiwi consumption in helping to regularize the sluggish gut. Analyzing data collected during the study, the researchers noted that subjects who consumed 2 ripe, peeled kiwis daily for 4 weeks benefited from improvement from the perspective of irritable bowel syndrome with dominant constipation.

The importance of kiwis in nutrition
Kiwis are very valuable fruits because consuming them regularly allows you to benefit from important sources of fiber, potassium and antioxidants.
Fighting free radicals
Antioxidants, in particular, help neutralize free radicals, which are partly responsible for damaging cells and their DNA. Free radicals are also involved in the possible development of inflammation and cancer.
The study showing benefits on lazy bowel
Recent research published at Nutrition Foundation of Italy, among other things, highlighted the importance of regular consumption of kiwifruit to help regularize sluggish bowels. Analyzing data collected during the study, the researchers noted that subjects who consumed 2 ripe, peeled kiwis daily for 4 weeks benefited from improvement from the perspective of irritable bowel syndrome with dominant constipation.
Why kiwis help lazy bowels
How is it that kiwis help to improve irritable bowel syndrome with dominant constipation? This is because the fibers in the cell walls of kiwis have a great ability to swell and retain water in vitro. This ability can therefore lead to a softening of stools and, consequently, an increase in their frequency.
Kiwis help improve quality of life
According to the researchers who took part in the international study, "Consuming 2 green kiwis per day results in a clinically significant increase in complete spontaneous bowel movements, with improvements in abdominal comfort, strain, stool shape and quality of life."
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