The most famous Italian dishes in the world

The dishes of Italian cuisine are famous all over the world; anyone who thinks of good food inevitably thinks of the cuisine of the boot, which fits right into the glossary of national culture.

1) Pasta
It is the cornerstone food of the Mediterranean diet, and the symbol of Italian cuisine in the world
2) Pizza
It is thebest-known traditional Italian food in the world. Its origin is uncertain, but it probably originates from the Kingdom of Naples
3) Lasagna
They are adish of very ancient origin. Apparently, the ancient Romans were already talking about a thin layer made from wheat flour, then stuffed with meat
4) Risotto
It is a typicaldish of northern Italian regions, particularly Veneto and Lombardy
5) Polenta
It is a dish of Italian origin, and originated as a food consumed mainly among the poorer segment of the population
6) Mozzarella
Mozzarella is a fresh stringy cheese native to southern Italy and also produced since the 15th century in central Italy
7) Tiramisu
The protagonists are ladyfingers, soaked in coffee and then covered with a cream made of eggs, sugar and mascarpone cheese
8) Meatballs
They are made from a mixture of meat, egg yolk, breadcrumbs and various spices, which is then processed, giving it the round shape that characterizes all meatballs
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