10 traditional Italian foods that  can not be missed on the table at Christmas

Christmas is getting closer and inevitably the thought goes to the organization of lunches and dinners.

Deciding the menu is never easy, but fortunately there are many typical foods that are consumed at Christmas on which to play it safe. Today we decided to take inspiration from the Italian tradition to propose a list of foods to bring to the table on Christmas Day. Each region, but also each family, has its own Christmas traditions, yet there are dishes and ingredients that are more appreciated than others almost everywhere.

Browse the photo gallery to find out what are the foods that absolutely can not miss Christmas on our table.

The Italian Christmas tradition at the table
Today we decided to take inspiration from the Italian tradition to propose a list of foods to bring to the table on Christmas Day. Each region, but also each family, has its own Christmas traditions, yet there are dishes and ingredients that are more appreciated than others almost everywhere. Browse the photo gallery to find out what are the foods that absolutely can not miss Christmas on our table.
Here are the foods that can not miss on the table on Christmas Day
Here are the foods that can not miss on the table on Christmas Day
Cotechino (lying on a bed of lentils of course!)
Here are the foods that can not miss on the table on Christmas Day
Here are the foods that can not miss on the table on Christmas Day
Here are the foods that can not miss on the table on Christmas Day
Here are the foods that can not miss on the table on Christmas Day
Here are the foods that can not miss on the table on Christmas Day
Cured meats and cold cuts of all kinds, accompanied by olives
Here are the foods that can not miss on the table on Christmas Day
Capitone (fish)
Here are the foods that can not miss on the table on Christmas Day
Capon (chicken)
Here are the foods that can not miss on the table on Christmas Day
To close a glass of Spumante or Champagne
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