5 benefits of anchovies

Today we bring you the five benefits of anchovies

Anchovies, also known as anchovies, are foods rich in Omega 3 that are very useful in fighting bad cholesterol and preventing high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease.
They are an excellent source of noble proteins which contain the amino acids used by the body for protein synthesis necessary for daily tissue renewal, synthesis of hormones, enzymes, and neurotransmitters.
They contain calcium, which is essential for the skeletal system, and phosphorus, which is useful for cell renewal. This mineral is also essential for blood clotting, muscle contraction, nerve impulse transmission and hormone secretion processes.
Versatile and affordable: they can be made fried, marinated, in saor, and are among the lowest-cost animal proteins on the market.
Anchovies are rich in vitamin D that contribute to the functioning of the cardiovascular system and to strengthen the immune system. Have we convinced you to choose them?
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