Meat and fish: which nations consume the most?

Meat and fish: which nations consume the most of them?

Meat and fish are two important sources of protein in the human diet. However, the amount of meat and fish consumed varies greatly by country.

In some countries, meat is considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity, while in others fish is more common. In this article we will explore which nations consume the most meat and fish.

Meat and fish: which nations consume the most?
Meat and fish are two important sources of protein in the human diet. However, the amount of meat and fish consumed varies greatly by country. In some countries, meat is considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity, while in others fish is more common. In this article we will explore which nations consume the most meat and fish, according to a study reported by ""
10) India
Per capita consumption of meat and fish products: 11 kg.
9) Japan
Per capita consumption of meat and fish products: 95 kg.
8) China
Per capita consumption of meat and fish products: 99 kg.
7) United Kingdom
Per capita consumption of meat and fish products: 100 kg.
6) Brazil
Per capita consumption of meat and fish products: 109 kg.
5) Italy
Per capita consumption of meat and fish products: 111 kg.
4) Argentina
Per capita consumption of meat and fish products: 117 kg.
3) France
Per capita consumption of meat and fish products: 117 kg.
2) USA
Per capita consumption of meat and fish products: 146 kg.
1) Australia
Per capita consumption of meat and fish products: 147 kg.
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