The wine fountain: a free paradise for the wine lovers
Since 2016 in Ortona (Italy), the Dora Sarchese winery has provided visitors with a fountain from which red wine, Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, flows.
The fountain, which allows visitors who wish to do so to drink a glass or goblet of wine free of charge, was created using recycled materials and a 10,000-litre barrel. People enter the barrel and drink from the fountain, which draws from a 3,000-litre underground tank.
The fountain is located inside the winery, is supervised and is accessible during opening hours. Free entry is not allowed, and conscious drinking is a matter of culture.
@dorasarchese.vini - Facebook
The winery with the fountain from which wine flows
Since 2016 in Ortona (Italy), the Dora Sarchese winery has been providing visitors with a fountain from which red wine, Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, flows.
@dorasarchese.vini - Facebook
Free wine for visitors
The fountain, which allows visitors who wish to do so to drink a maximum of two glasses or two glasses of wine free of charge, was built using recycled materials and a 10,000-litre barrel. People enter the barrel and drink from the fountain, which draws from a 3,000-litre underground tank.
@dorasarchese.vini - Facebook
What gave rise to the idea
The idea of a fountain from which wine would flow was inspired to the owner of the winery, Nicola D'Auria, by some pilgrims who had seen a similar fountain on the Camino de Santiago de Compostela in Spain. Hence the idea of replicating it.
@dorasarchese.vini - Facebook
The rules for accessing
The fountain is located inside the winery, is supervised and is accessible during opening hours. Free entry is not allowed and conscious drinking is a matter of culture.
@dorasarchese.vini - Facebook
The spirit of the initiative
Other rules to be followed to access the fountain include not bringing demijohns to fill. The spirit of the initiative is to visit the place, drink a couple of glasses of wine at most and maybe take a souvenir photo.