The 8 best foods for our health

Today we bring you the eight healthiest foods for our health

Blueberries: slow cell aging and prevent several types of cancer thanks to antioxidants that help fight the damaging action of free radicals. They help digestion, bowel regularity, are good for memory but also for the urinary tract.
Broccoli: is rich in fiber, minerals such as potassium and calcium, and folic acid, which is useful for pregnant women to prevent fetal malformations. They also help prevent neurological diseases as well as osteoarthritis and some forms of cancer such as bladder, breast and lung cancer.
Green leafy vegetables: play a cancer-preventive role and also help protect eye health, thanks to lutein and zeaxanthin.
Potatoes: are rich in dietary fiber (vitamins, especially A and B6, and minerals), especially potassium, which regulates blood pressure. They also help prevent anemia and strengthen the immune system.
Garlic: contains allicin, which is an anti-cancer enzyme. Also very healthy for the heart and blood pressure.
Flaxseeds: are rich in fiber that promotes intestinal regularity, helps lower cholesterol and stabilize blood sugar levels.
Beans: red beans contain magnesium and potassium, which help keep blood pressure under control. In addition, rich in fiber, they are critical in fighting bad cholesterol.
Avocado: rich in fiber and Omega 3 good fats, which are important for keeping cholesterol in check, it then has an important anti-inflammatory action and helps fight heart disease.
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