The five most valuable and expensive meats in the world

Today we present the ranking of the finest and most expensive cuts of meat in the world.

Meat is the term commonly used to mean the edible parts of homeothermic animals, and can include various cuts, including internal organs, or offal.

In common language and in many regulations the term excludes fish and fishery products.

Commonly "fish" means the meat of fish.

The meat of different animals has different physico-chemical characteristics, as well as the meat of the same animal at a different stage of growth.

The Blonde d’Aquitaine breed meat even has a price that can reach 3,000 euros per kilo
The Blonde d’Aquitaine breed meat stands out on the world scene for two main characteristics that make it unique, particularly valuable and sought after: tenderness and thinness.
The prized Japanese Kobe beef is priced at around 1,000 euros per kilo.
Kobe beef is renowned for its flavor, tenderness, and fatty, well-marbled structure. It can be prepared on the grill, on a griddle.
Wagyu: average price between 100 and 300 euros per kilo.
Wagyu is the term used by the Japanese to refer to a special genetically selected cattle breed capable of producing meat of incredible quality.
Aberdeen Angus: about 70 euros per kilo.
The Aberdeen Angusmeat, recognized as of excellent quality, is delicate and soft and is rich in marbling fat.
Rubia Gallega: between 60 and 70 euros per kilo
Iberian beef Rubia Gallega delights the palate: a very tender and tasty meat, with an inimitable flavor.
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