Five White Foods That Can Be Dangerous

Over the years, specific studies have identified these foods that are potentially dangerous for our body if taken in excessive doses.

We can find them in all the products we consume daily, from breakfast to pre-packaged snacks. These foods are easily replaced with others that are healthier and less dangerous to our health.

Let's see together in this gallery what these foods are.

5 white foods that can be dangerous 
Let's see together 5 foods that can be dangerous for our body.
Consumed in excessive doses can cause cardiovascular diseases. We find them in large quantities in pre-packaged foods, be careful.
Cow's milk
Cow's milk can be the cause of physiological reactions such as intolerances and allergies. It is recommended to consume vegetable substitutes such as rice milk.
White flour is found in practically any food we consume, starting with pasta. Unfortunately, however, white flour if consumed in high doses, can tire our body. Opt for flours such as spelt.
Sugar, in addition to causing tooth decay, can cause mental fatigue and fatigue. In severe cases it can be the cause of diabetes.
White rice
White rice, so seemingly harmless, if consumed in high doses can cause the increase in blood glucose. Alternate consumption and prefer brown rice.
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