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The five foods of the future, would you eat them?

What will be the food of the future? The question, not at all obvious, is often the subject of debate because food is associated with other delicate issues such as eco-sustainability, the supply of resources and nutrition of the poorest countries.

In the face of the scarcity of resources and an increasingly large world population, someone is already trying to propose alternative solutions to those that in some countries are considered more classic. Let's think, for example, of the use of insects or microalgae but also of all those alternative foods that do not use animal meat.

And more... Some predict that the food of the future could be created in the laboratory (so-called synthetic foods). So what will be the foods of tomorrow?

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What will be the food of the future?
The question, not at all obvious, is often the subject of debate because food is associated with other delicate issues such as eco-sustainability, the supply of resources and nutrition of the poorest countries.
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Energy bars with insect meal
Among the foods of tomorrow are included energy bars made with flour from edible insects, such as crickets, considered high in protein.
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Locust snacks
Among the foods of the future, insects are certainly the most popular "ingredients". Some companies are already using them to create protein snacks, flours and burgers as well.
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Burgers produced in the laboratory
Lab-produced burgers are included among the foods that are classified as synthetic foods. They are obtained from meat in test tubes, starting from stem cells in culture. They would be an alternative to meat production from animal husbandry.
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Pasta with microalgae
Pasta made with microalgae is considered a food of the future. In reality, pasta produced with algae is already a reality and it is thought that tomorrow it will be more and more, to overcome the problem of wheat supply and intensive crops.
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Flour moth burger
Among the foods of the future also burgers made with flour moths. These moths can be bred easily and with little expenditure of resources and that is why they are indicated as the perfect ingredient for the food of tomorrow.
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