Ten common foods that are difficult to digest

Digestion is a fundamental process for our bodies, allowing us to absorb the nutrients we need to stay healthy.

However, there are some foods that can be difficult for some people to digest, causing symptoms such as abdominal bloating, gas, cramping and nausea.

In this photo gallery, based on information provided by, we will explore 10 common foods that can be difficult to digest for some people and discuss some tips for improving the digestion.

If you suffer from digestive problems, this article may help you identify some of the foods that may be causing your symptoms and find ways to improve your digestion.

10 common foods that are difficult to digest
Digestion is a fundamental process for our bodies, allowing us to absorb the nutrients we need to stay healthy. However, there are some foods that can be difficult for some people to digest, causing symptoms such as abdominal bloating, gas, cramping and nausea. In this photo gallery, based on information provided by, we will explore 10 common foods that can be difficult to digest for some people and discuss some tips for improving digestion. If you suffer from digestive problems, this article may help you identify some of the foods that may be causing your symptoms and find ways to improve your digestion.
Carbohydrate-rich foods
Rice, pasta, pretzels, bagels or doughnuts are foods that are high in carbohydrates and therefore harmful to the body because they cause increased inflammation.
Processed food
Processed foods irritate the intestines with the presence of unnecessary additives and preservatives. These foods also cause gas, bloating and cramping. Examples of processed foods are bread, cheese, tofu, tuna, or canned beans. (Source of the examples:
Fried food
The body has difficulty digesting fried foods, which can cause diarrhea, bloating and constipation.
Spicy food
Spicy food causes gas, bloating, heartburn, acid reflux and even stomach pain. Avoid these foods especially at dinner.
Artificial sweeteners
Sorbitol is one of the most common artificial sweeteners, often used to sweeten chewing gum and diet foods. This sweetener can cause gas, bloating and diarrhea in those who eat the foods in which it is contained.
Alcohol negatively affects the stomach and liver and can cause heartburn, acid reflux and under certain conditions even cirrhosis, cramps and diarrhea.
Caffeine increases acid production in the stomach and can cause diarrhea, dehydration and thus lead to constipation. Never take on an empty stomach!
Dairy products
Lactose can induce the development of gas, bloating and in some cases even nausea.
Fiber-rich foods
Foods rich in fiber, such as raw vegetables, lentils, beans and brown rice, are difficult to digest because the stomach needs more effort to break them down. Eat these foods in moderation, as they are rich in fiber which can produce to gas, bloating, diarrhea and other stomach problems.
Acidic foods
Tomato sauce and citrus fruits can cause stomach and intestinal irritation because of the acidic component they contain. Also beware of carbonated beverages. Avoid excessive consumption of these foods.
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