Menstrual cramps? Some foods to avoid so as not to make it worse

Premenstrual syndrome is a condition that affects many women, causing a range of symptoms such as headaches, irritability, abdominal bloating and, above all, menstrual cramps.

The latter can be particularly annoying and limiting, making daily life difficult. However, diet can play an important role in controlling these symptoms, as certain foods can make menstrual cramps worse.

In this photogallery, we explore six foods that are best avoided during menstruation in order to reduce pain and improve overall well-being during your period. If you suffer from menstrual cramps, this photogallery is the right place to start learning how to better manage your diet and relieve your symptoms. (source: bestlifeonline)

Menstrual cramps? Some foods to avoid so as not to make it worse
Premenstrual syndrome is a condition that affects many women, causing a range of symptoms such as headaches, irritability, abdominal bloating and, above all, menstrual cramps. The latter can be particularly annoying and limiting, making daily life difficult. However, diet can play an important role in controlling these symptoms, as certain foods can make menstrual cramps worse. In this photogallery, we explore six foods that are best avoided during menstruation in order to reduce pain and improve overall well-being during your period. If you suffer from menstrual cramps, this photogallery is the right place to start learning how to better manage your diet and relieve your symptoms. (source: bestlifeonline)
Taking caffeine is not recommended, as it slows blood flow and can cause inflammation and swelling.
Red meat
Red meat contains omega-6 fatty acids that promote inflammation and worsen the menstrual condition.
Refined sugar is highly inflammatory because of free fatty acids, which are produced in the liver and stimulated by eating refined sugar.
Oil and fats
Common cooking oils and trans fats can cause increased release of prostaglandins, which causes uterine cramps due to decreased blood flow to the uterus.
Excessive salt intake can increase water retention in the body, causing bloating and discomfort.
Dairy products
Dairy products contain saturated fats that can trigger inflammation and worsen menstrual pain: avoid whole milk and dairy products in general.
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