Six of the worst foods that can cause headaches

Headaches are a problem that afflicts many people around the world, and in some cases the cause can be traced back to food.

There are certain foods that can trigger a migraine or make it worse, making the pain even more unbearable. Source:

Knowing which foods can affect our health is key to making informed food choices. In fact, some foods contain particular substances that in some particularly sensitive individuals or situations can influence the onset of headaches, or make them worse.

Six of the worst foods that can cause headaches
Headaches are a problem that afflicts many people around the world, and in some cases the cause can be traced back to food. There are certain foods that can trigger a migraine or make it worse, making the pain even more unbearable. Source: Knowing which foods can affect our health is key to making informed food choices. In fact, some foods contain particular substances that in some particularly sensitive individuals or situations can influence the onset of headaches, or make them worse.
Ice cream
You know that strange (and unpleasant) feeling in your head when you eat food that is too cold? There, that sensation can cause a headache. When something cold touches the centre of the palate, certain nerves responsible for controlling the flow of blood to the head are activated. These nerves, on contact with the cold, cause the blood vessels in the head to swell, resulting in headaches. No worries though: just eat more slowly, and in any case, the discomfort passes in a few minutes.
Coffee is one of the worst foods for headache sufferers because regular consumption of caffeine can be addictive. In fact, caffeine withdrawal can cause headaches. If you are a coffee consumer, pay attention: when you wake up late at the weekend and do not (or do not take) caffeine, you may experience headaches or excessive tiredness: it is withdrawal.
Not all types of cheese, but some cheeses can cause headaches. Matured cheeses, such as parmesan, brie or cheddar, contain tyramine, a natural chemical that constricts and dilates blood vessels, causing headaches.
Although less well known, chocolate, like coffee, also contains caffeine. For the same reason as coffee, withdrawal can cause severe headaches. Avoid stopping consumption abruptly; better to opt for a gradual decrease.
Soy sauce
Here it is, guilty once again: tyramine. Also present in soy sauce, it produces the same effects we have already seen. In addition, in some cases it contains monosodium glutamate (MSG), which can also cause diarrhoea in severe cases, as well as headaches. Finally, soy sauce is rich in salt: if consumed in excess, it can lead to dehydration and, therefore, headaches.
Like cheese, meat can also contain tyramine. Salami, sausage, mortadella, bacon, are all foods that are not recommended for sufferers of this disorder.
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