Five nutritious foods for health: a scientific study reveals them

We are all aware of the importance of a balanced and healthy diet for our overall well-being, but do you know which foods can provide the most important nutrients for our bodies?

The scientific study "Uncovering the Nutritional Landscape of Food", published in the journal "PLOS One", revealed five of the most nutritious foods for health.

In this collection, we will guide you to discover five of the world's most nutritious foods, providing essential information and inviting photographs to help you choose the right foods for your health.

Five foods among the most nutritious for health: a scientific study reveals them
We are all aware of the importance of a balanced and healthy diet for our overall well-being, but do you know which foods can provide the most important nutrients for our bodies? The scientific study "Uncovering the Nutritional Landscape of Food", published in the journal "PLOS One", has revealed five of the most nutritious foods for health. In this roundup, we will guide you to discover the five most nutritious foods in the world, providing essential information and inviting photographs to help you choose the right foods for your health.
By Hannes Grobe 21:22, 5 November 2006 (UTC) - Own work, CC BY-SA 2.5,
Annona cherimola is native to the Andean highlands of Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Bolivia, also widespread in Argentina, Chile, California, Florida, Israel, southern Africa, New Zealand and several Mediterranean countries, including Italy. This food is rich in potassium, which is why it is suitable in the diets of the elderly, convalescents, pregnant women and children, including those in the weaning phase. It also contains phosphorus, iron, vitamins A, B1, B2, C. Calorie intake is 75 calories per 100 grams.
Flatfish (pictured), as well as sole and other fish and of the same family contain many nutrients that are essential for our diet. Of note is the significant presence of vitamin B1. These fish are mercury-free and when consumed their caloric intake is 70 calories per 100 grams.
Almonds are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids and are high in calories, about 579 calories per 100 grams. Despite being composed of 50 percent lipids, almonds do not contribute to weight gain where they are consumed in the recommended doses and in calorie-controlled regimens. The mineral most represented in almonds is magnesium.
Chia seeds 
Chia seeds are a food rich in essential nutrients: dietary fiber, protein, linolenic acid, phenolic acid and vitamins. Calorie intake is 486 calories per 100 grams.
Oceanic perch 
The Ocean perch, particularly the species living north in the Atlantic Ocean, is rich in protein and low in saturated fat. Calorie intake is 79 calories per 100 grams.
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