The five best foods in the world

What are the best dishes in the world? The choice of dishes to try at least once in a lifetime is really varied, ranging from Thai and Chinese dishes to Mexican, Italian, American, a real culinary world tour

5) Peking duck (China)
A very delicious dish in China is Peking duck, a duck slowly cooked in the oven after undergoing a very long preparation process
4) Sushi (Japan)
Typical Japanese dish that has conquered the world for years with its variety and scenic presentations
3) Chocolate (Mexico)
The earliest uses of cocoa date back to Mexico, the Mayans were the first to establish a cocoa plantation, and its uses have been the most varied
2) Pizza Napoletana (Italy)
Neapolitan pizza is definitely the most popular Italian dish abroad, protected by an association established in 1984, "The Association Verace Pizza Napoletana" (AVPN), which aims to protect and promote true Neapolitan pizza in Italy and around the world
1) Massaman Curry (Thailand)
The most important part of this dish is the curry sauce dressing, which contains fish sauce, coconut milk, tamarind, potato, onion, peanuts, star anise, cardamom, bay leaf, cumin, palm sugar, nutmeg, cloves and the ever-present hot chili
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